TUMS Visual Identity Standards



In today’s world, in which a myriad of companies, organizations and institutes are active in various fields and professions, establishing and maintaining an identity is of the utmost importance; an identity so unique that speaks worlds about the organization or institute it represents.


Tehran University of Medical Sciences, as the most productive medical sciences university in Iran and a leading institute of higher education in Asia, has answered this requirement by creating its own set of standards regarding its visual identity at home and abroad. Download the TUMS Signature Handbook in order to familiarize yourself with the guidelines of using various TUMS signatures..


It is highly crucial that we maintain these standards in each and every aspect of our activities and make sure that the TUMS visual identity becomes known throughout the international higher education landscape.


We have made it our mission to answer any and all needs regarding the TUMS visual identity in the world of higher education and, as we make progress and continue to push away the boundaries, we will develop and enhance our set of standards.


We advise you to strictly follow the rules and regulations concerning the university’s visual identity as found on this website and in our related publications. In case of any inquiries, feel free to contact our Advertisement and Marketing Division and seek our experts’ advice via intl-gsia@tums.ac.ir


In order to download your desired signatures please refer to one of the categories below.


Last Update At : 22 June 2019