Requirements and Hiring Process


In order to make maximum use of the opportunity to recruit international students in cooperation with student recruitment companies, the contract signing process with applicant companies is announced as follows. In this regard, companies applying for cooperation with Tehran University of Medical Sciences should submit the necessary documents for initial review to the directorate of international affairs and development and fill out the application form. If the submitted documents are approved, it is possible to sign a contract with the company for a period of one year. The required documents are listed below.

The extension of the contract for the second year depends on the ability of the company to recruit at least 10 students during the one-year contract period, of which at least 7 students must be enrolled in fields other than MD and MBBS. Please note that this criterion is subject to change according to the university policies to expand student recruitment for companies originating new target countries (countries where the university does not have a student recruitment agent or the said country is not in the list of the first 10 countries of the university in terms of the number of students).

Documents required to enter into a contract:

1. The names of the CEO and official representatives of the company

2. Contact details of the company

3. Copy of national card (for Iranian companies)

4. Copy of the first page of the passport and visa in case of residence (for non-Iranian companies)

5. Certificate of no criminal records of the CEO of the company

6. Registration certificate of the student recruitment company

7. The statutes of the student recruitment company

8. Resume of the company

9. Bank account information of the company

10. Operating license for Iran


In the end, you will be awarded your agentship certificate with a set of advertising items. At this point, you can officially start your activities as a Certified TUMS International Marketing and Recruitment Agent.


Apply for TUMS Agentship



Last Update At : 12 August 2023