

TUMS students come from across IRAN and the world, representing diverse experiences, backgrounds and cultures.

TUMS In Numbers


More than  More than  More than 
1600 800    250 
Faculty members Intl. students Majors


Graduate Programs

A graduate applicant is an applicant who has already completed and obtained the first-level university degree and wishes to pursue his or her education beyond that.

Graduate Programs>

 Undergraduate Programs

An undergraduate or a first-level university student is a student working toward an Associate, B.Sc., M.D., D.D.S. ,or Pharm.D. degree. We consider you an undergraduate applicant if you have graduated from high school andare applying to one of the above- mentioned degrees.

Undergraduate Programs>








TUMS has on offer various research programs in the form of fellowships,internships and assistantships.

Research Fellowship/ Internship/ Assistantship




Summer Programs

TUMS Summer programs are open to students from universities all around the world.This is an opportunity which allows students to experience independent life in a different culture for a few weeks.

Seasonal Programs>

Training programs

Various training programs are offered by TUMS schools. The duration of these programs differs from less than a week up to twelve months. Students can choose specific courses from the programs offered.

Training Programs>

Post-Doc Opportunities

List of available Post-Doc opportunities

List of available Post-Doc Opportunities> 


Ready to Join the TUMS Family?

Apply now!


Medical Electives (Clinical 


We welcome elective medical students from other universities.This is a great opportunity to come and learn alongside TUMS medical students and enjoy the  academic and social opportunities that TUMS has to offer.

Medical Electives (Clinical Rotations/ Internships)>

Language Learning

The language of instruction at TUMS for international students is English both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. However, since some of the majors and programs at the undergraduate level require students to have interaction with patients who speak Persian, learning Persian could be obligatory for the students of those majors.

Language Learning>

 TUMS Non-Degree Programs Matrix

Information for Non-Degree Programs at tums University.

Programs Matrix>


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Last Update At : 09 June 2021