Speech Therapy

Dr Shahin Akhondzadeh

At: School of Medicine

Field: Neuroscience

Research interest: 

   1. Autism

   2. Schizophrenia

E-mail:  sakhond@yahoo.com

CV: /file/download/board/64fc22a84addd-cv-march-2023.doc

Paper in PubMed

Dr. Shahin Akhondzadeh

Professor of Clinical Neuroscience

Department of  Psychiatry

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

H-Index:  66

Papers:  470

Dr. Zahra soleymani

At: School of rehabilitation

Field: childhood language disorders

Research interest: 

1.Autism Spectrum Disorders

2.Specific Reading disorders ( Developmental Dyslexia)

3.Developmental Language disorders

E-mail:  soleymaniz@sina.tums.ac.ir

CV: https://old.tums.ac.ir/facultiessoleymaniz

Paper in PubMed

Dr. Zahra Soleymani

Professor of Speech therapy

Department of speech therapy

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

H-Index:  8

Papers:  43 (Scopus)



Dr. Mohammad Reza Mohammadi

At: School of Medicine

Field: Department Psychiatry

Research interest: 

   1. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

   2. Neurodevelopmental Disorders

E-mail: mohammadimr@tums.ac.ir

CV: https://cv.tums.ac.ir/en/cv/MohammadReza_Mohammadi

 Paper in PubMed

Dr. Mohammad Reza Mohammadi

Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Department of Psychiatry

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

H-Index:  44

Papers:  328