Day 5, 16 Dec.

Day 5*: Critical appraisal of the literature- Part 2

Wednesday, 16.12.2020

* Exceptionally from 13:30 to 17:30

TopicLecturerTime (Tehran Time (UTC+3:30))
Introduction to various types of reviewsProf. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu13:30-14:30
Critical appraisal of systematic reviews (SRs)Prof. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu14:30-15:30
Risk of bias in RCTsProf. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu15:45-16:45
Prof. Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob
Interactive workshopProf. Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu16:45-17:15
Prof. Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob
Q & A17:15-17:30
Showing 1-8 of 8 items.