Breast Imaging


The international course on "Breast Imaging" is a post graduate program for radiologists or radiology residents in their last year of education. The course is offered in two levels of BASIC and ADVANCED, each for three months, with maximum two international fellows on each level.

Cancer Institute in Imam Khomeini medical complex is a referral center for cancer patients from all over the country and the neighboring countries. About 400 breast patients are visited in the  breast clinic each month and 20-25 breast operations, most of them breast conserving and oncoplastic surgery for breast cancer are performed monthly. More than 7000 screening and diagnostic mammographies and 5000 breast ultrasound exams, as well as more than 500 US guided and 700 mammo guided interventions are performed annually in the breast imaging department of cancer institute. There are 5 academic staff dedicated in breast imaging with 5 to 20 years experience, covering the mammography interpretation, ultrasound and intervention sections during the week.

A full field digital mammography system with a dedicated workstation, an analogue mammography machine and 3 ultrasound systems with high resolution probes are among the equipments dedicated to breast imaging. Mammo-guided biopsy and pre-operative localization of non-palpable breast lesions are available with digital prone table stereotactic breast biopsy system. Two MRI systems (1.5&3 tesla) are available in the hospital and there are several joined referral centers for breast MRI. 

The international course on "Breast Imaging" is a post graduate program for radiologists or radiology residents in their last year of education. The course is offered in two BASIC and ADVANCED levels, each in three months duration, with maximum two international fellows on each level.

The BASIC level includes three months of comprehensive course on mammography and breast ultrasound. In this basic course the attendants will be actively engaged in:

  • Reporting screening mammographies
  • Reporting diagnostic mammographies and choose the best additional imaging for diagnosis
  • Performing breast ultrasound
  • mammography- sonography correlation and lesion localization
  • Becoming familiar with routine and additional techniques of mammography
  • Attending weekly "Tumor Board" of breast cancer, every saturday morning
  • Attending weekly "Journal Club" of breast imaging group

The ADVANCED course includes advanced clinico-pathologic breast imaging as well as breast interventional procedures and review of breast MRI:

  • Fine Needle Aspiration( FNA) of breast cysts and solid masses
  • Preparation and fixation of FNA specimen and consultation with cytologist
  • Core Needle Biopsy under ultrasound guide
  • Core Needle Biopsy under prone stereotactic mammography
  • Preoperative wire localization both under US guide or stereotactic mammography
  • Attending a breast operation with wire localization.
  • Specimen mammography after core or excisional biopsy
  • Breast MRI, a brief review and case presentation


The course language is english and the applicants will be chosen according to their background and CV. The course fee is 2000 $ for the BASIC and 3500 $ for the ADVANCED course.

The applicants are kindly requested to fill the application form and send it with attached CV, to

Last Update At : 11 June 2019