Training programs

Various training programs are offered by TUMS schools. The duration of these programs differs from less than a week up to twelve months. Students can choose specific courses from the programs offered. Other training programs can and may be reviewed and arranged as per the request of applicants.
Interested professors and faculty members who would like to propose a training course to be held at TUMS please contact us.


For a list of available courses please see below:

دانشکده/پردیسرشته تحصیلیگروه/دانشکده
Tehran Heart CenterInternational Workshop of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging International Workshop of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
School of RehabilitationAdvanced hearing assessmentDepartment of Audiology
School of RehabilitationBasic Hearing AssessmentDepartment of Audiology
School of RehabilitationStrabismus and Binocular Vision AnomaliesDepartment of Optometry
School of Public HealthThe Entrepreneurship in Biomedical SciencesDepartment of The Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Sciences
School of Public HealthStatistical Analysis of Health Research using STATA (18.0); Introduction and AdvancedDepartment of Statistical Analysis of Health Research using STATA (18.0); Introduction and Advanced
School of Public HealthDiploma Course in Vector Biology & Control (VBC)Department of Vector Biology & Control (VBC)
School of Public HealthHealth in Emergencies and Relief Operations (HERO)Department of Health in Emergencies and Disasters
School of PharmacyClinical pharmacy summer school (10 Days)Clinical pharmacy summer school
School of PharmacyInnovative Techniques in Enzyme Immobilization with Hybrid NanostructuresDepartment of Innovative Techniques in Enzyme Immobilization with Hybrid Nanostructures
School of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesDepartment of All Pharmacy Department
School of PharmacyClinical pharmacy summer school (2 weeks)Clinical pharmacy summer school
School of Persian MedicineMedicinal Herbs in Traditional Persian MedicineDepartment of Medicinal Herbs in Traditional Persian Medicine
School of Nursing and MidwiferyFundamental Nursing Skills (Part 1)Department of Medical-Surgical
School of Nursing and MidwiferyThe Professional Role Of Nursing InformaticsThe Professional Role Of Nursing Informatics
School of MedicineCornea ObservershipCornea Observership
School of MedicineSkin Care Techniques for Medical DoctorsSkin Care Techniques for Medical Doctors
School of MedicineBreast Cancer SurgeryDepartment of Breast Cancer Surgery
School of MedicineDoing Systematic Search and Writing Systematic ReviewDoing Systematic Search and Writing Systematic Review
School of MedicineHair and Eyebrow Transplantation Techniques for Medical DoctorsDepartment of Hair and Eyebrow Transplantation Techniques for Medical Doctors
School of MedicineSkull Base SurgeryDepartment of Neurosurgery  
School of MedicineAnthropometric indices and HealthDepartment of Anthropometric indices and Health
School of MedicineLaparoscopy SurgeryDepartment of Laparoscopy Surgery
School of MedicineSpine surgeryDepartment of Neurosurgery  
School of MedicineShort Term in Uropathology (Genitourinary Pathology)Short Term in Uropathology (Genitourinary Pathology)
School of MedicineGeneral Surgery Procedures for Medical Doctors General Surgery Procedures for Medical Doctors
International CollegePersian LanguageDepartment of Persian
International CollegePersian for Specific Purposes: Persian for Pilots and Flight AttendantsDepartment of Persian