Strabismus and Binocular Vision Anomalies

دانشکده/پردیسSchool of Rehabilitation
گروه/دانشکدهDepartment of Optometry
DegreeTraining Program

International Workshop of Strabismus and Binocular Vision Anomalies


This intensive course provides optometry students and practitioners with advanced knowledge and skills related to strabismus and binocular vision disorders. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on lab sessions, students will learn to recognize, diagnose, and manage a wide range of strabismus and binocular vision anomalies. Who Should Attend:

This course is intended for optometrists and optometry students and is open to 4th year optometry students and licensed optometrists.

About this Course:

In this course students will gain hands-on proficiency in using clinical tests and prescribing management strategies. The course aims to equip optometrists to properly diagnose and manage complex strabismus and binocular vision anomalies.

Workshop Highlights:

- Definition, classification, epidemiology and etiology of various strabismus types including esotropia, exotropia, hypotropia, and hypeytropia

- Diagnostic techniques for objective evaluation of strabismus including cover tests, ocular motility assessments, and prism bar covers tests

- Advanced binocular vision assessment methods such as pleoptic testing, vergence testing, ocular motility evaluations 

- Management approaches for strabismus including vision therapy, prisms, occlusion therapy, and surgical options

- Binocular vision disorders including convergence insufficiency, concussion-related visual dysfunction, and amblyopia

- Associated conditions including refractive errors, neuropathies, and craniofacial anomalies

Students will gain hands-on proficiency in using clinical tests and prescribing management strategies. The course aims to equip optometrists to properly diagnose and manage complex strabismus and binocular vision anomalies.

Tuition Fee

Tuition Fee: 1000 U.S. Dollars (Whole Package Program)

500$ is for educational fees & the remaining 500$ is for other expenses including dormitory/hoteling, transfer, etc.

Local Organizing Committee

Masoud Khorrami- Nejad, PhD, Department of Optometry, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Masoud Khorrami- Nejad, PhD, Vice- Dean for International Affairs, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Sara Roshani, Officer of International Affairs, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences