


School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine

School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine was established in 2008 as a graduate academic center to educate talented students at M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. This school is focusing entirely on science, innovation and technology transfer.

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 School of Allied Medical Sciences

The School of Allied Medical Sciences was established as an independent school in 1990. We offer a full range of academic courses in undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


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 School of Dentistry

When Dar-Ol-Fonon was founded in 1894, dentistry was taught as a sub-branch of medicine at the same school. University of Tehran was established in 1934, dentistry separated as an independent school. TUMS School of Dentistry is the foremost dental center in Iran with an international reputation of scholarly activities in both clinical and biological sciences.

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 School of Medicine

In 1849, the first modern class of Medicine at Dar-ol-Fonoon School was founded, and the pioneering graduates started the practice of modern medicine in 1856. In 1918, Dar-ol-Fonoon was renamed to College of Medicine, and in 1934 it turned into the School of Medicine of the University of Tehran. Now, it has 39 departments (covering basic and clinical sciences). It has an unrivalled number of 1052 faculty members, and 17 hospitals are affiliated to the School. The School trains around 10,000 students in over 100 postgraduate and medical programs. Currently, the school has more than 400 international students.

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 School of Nursing & Midwifery

School of Nursing and Midwifery is the oldest and biggest Nursing School in the country with diverse specialized departments. It is known as pioneer in the four pillars of nursing (education, research, management, and practice). It is also involved in the national level policy making and activities. Being involved in international activities (international students, collaboration, research projects) are also part of its policy.

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TUMS In Numbers

16 1600+ 11
Hospitals Faculty Members Schools


 School of Nutritional Sciences & Dietetics

The Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry and the Department of Health Sciences and Nutrition of the School of Public Health were merged to form the Graduate School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics in 2010 with three departments, namely, Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, and Cellular and Molecular Nutrition. It follows goals such as capacity building and professional training in various areas of nutrition and dietetics, expanding nutritional knowledge and culture, safeguarding national noble nutrition culture and its spiritual heritage, and providing a forum for scientific collaboration with individuals as well as national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

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 School of Pharmacy

At the present time, School of Pharmacy at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, with about 160 academic members and staff (full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, technicians), and 1,200 students, is one of the most dynamic and well-equipped instructional and research academic centers in Iran.

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 School of Public Health

The School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research are the oldest and largest centers of health studies in Iran, being the first in the country to train specialists in a wide variety of disciplines since 1966. Since then, the School of Public Health (SPH) and Institute of Public Health Research (IPHR) have been carrying out educational and research programs, with the aim of developing specialized manpower in the field of public health and also eliminating health difficulties, specially the environmental health problems. 

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 School of Rehabilitation

At present, the School of Rehabilitation, which provides academic services in all fields of Rehabilitation including Audiology, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy, is a nationally recognized leader in the education of allied health providers in Iran.School of Rehabilitation, with the history of about 48 years, was founded in 1965. At the beginning, the first group of students officially started their education at the Department of Physiotherapy in the School of Medicine at Imam Khomeini Hospital. The Department was approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), and in 1990 the School of Rehabilitation started to function as the School of Rehabilitation.

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 School of Persian Medicine

This school is the first and most distinguished School of Persian Medicine in the Middle East. During your study here, you can get high-level experience in both fields of clinical practice and research.School of Persian Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was established in 2007, as a result of the increasing interest and the national need in persian, alternative, and complementary medicine services. This school, as the oldest and most distinguished school of Persian Medicine in Iran, is the postgraduate academic center to educate talented students at Ph.D. level in percian medicine and pharmacy of traditional medicine.

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Last Update At : 19 July 2023