Victoria Daskalou




Dr. Victoria Daskalou is a computer and informatics scientist, holding a bachelor’s degree (1992) and a Ph.D. degree (1998) in Informatics from the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece. Dr. Daskalou joined the Department of Economics of University of Patras (UPatras) in 2014 as a specialized teaching staff in Internet information systems. Dr. Daskalou has a twenty years work experience in the field of information and communication technologies and was the technical coordinator and a senior researcher in several ICT projects related to the digital transformation of Greek Universities. More precisely, for the period 2008-2014 she has worked as the designer and the technical coordinator for the implementation of large-scale academic management information systems at the Directorate of Information and Communication Systems in UPatras.

From 2001 to 2008 she was the head of the R&D team and the responsible of web and e-learning services at the Network Operations Center of UPATRAS. For the period from 1995 up to 2001 she was a senior researcher at the Computer and Communications Systems Laboratory of the Department of Informatics and at the Network Operations Center of AUEB. Dr. Daskalou participated in more than 20 R&D European and national projects and has published 14 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. She was a member in several scientific committees related to the digital transformation of Upatras and Greek Universities and has gained extended experience in e‐learning as the head of e‐ learning services team of Upatras NOC (2001‐2007) and AUEB NOC (1995-2001), as a member of the steering committee for Upatras Open Courses project (2010‐2014) and as the deputy scientific co-ordinator research in the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Open UP Entrepreneurship” that built a MOOC in the field of digital entrepreneurship. (CV)


Lecture Title: Challenges and Opportunities of Emergency Remote Teaching in HE during the COVID-19 Crisis

Keywords: Emergency Remote Teaching, Higher Education, COVID-19 crisis



Question & Answer Session

Discusson Panel


tags: COVID 19 IHESCOVID19Webinar COVID-19 Coronavirus IHE Symposium Webinar IHE TUMS IHE TUMS IHES Tehran University of Medical Sciences Internationalization of Higher Education Symposium webinar Victoria Daskalou Emergency Remote Teaching Higher Education COVID-19 crisis

Last Update At : 30 May 2020