Javad Alaghband Rad
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Javad Alghband Rad is an Associate Professor at the Rouzbeh Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
- The first President and founding member, Iranian National Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Subspecialty, Ministry of Health and Medical Education
- The first President, Iranian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Founder and First Chair, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Roozbeh Hospital
- Founder and First Director, I.R. Institute for Cognitive Science Studies (IRICSS)
- Deputy Secretary, Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences
- Faculty Member, Dalhousie University, Canada

Philip G. Altbach
Boston College, USA
Philip G. Altbach is Research Professor and Founding Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, where from 1994 to 2015 he was the Monan University Professor. He was the 2004-2006 Distinguished Scholar Leader for the New Century Scholars initiative of the Fulbright program, was given the Houlihan award for distinguished contributions to international education by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, the Bowen distinguished career award by the Association for the Study of Higher Education, and has been a senior associate of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 2010, he was Erudite Scholar of the Government of Kerala. He has taught at Harvard University, the University of Wisconsin, and the State University of New York at Buffalo.
He is author of Global Perspectives on Higher Education, Turmoil and Transition, Student Politics in America, among other books. He also co-edited (with Jamil Salmi) The Road to Academic Excellence, (with Michael Bastedo and Patricia Gumport) American Higher Education in the 21st Century, the International Handbook of Higher Education, World Class Worldwide: Transforming Research Universities in Asia and Latin America and other books.

Pouyan Aminishakib
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Pouyan Aminishakib, DDS, MSc
- Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Department, School of Dentistry,TUMS
- Adjunct Associate Professor of Pathology Department, Cancer Institute Hospital, IKHC, TUMS
- Vice Dean for International Affairs, School of Dentistry, TUMS
- Member of International Association of Oral Pathologists
- Member of Executive Board of Iranian Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists' Association

Shoaleh Bigdeli
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Discussion Panel Member)
Dr. Shoaleh Bigdeli, associate professor in the department of Medical Education, School of Medicine at Iran University of Medical Sciences received her doctorate in Curriculum Theories and Implementation from Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada, and received several certificates from FAIMER in medical education. She is AMEE Associate Fellow (AFAMEE) and since 2015, she has collaborated in several gamification projects in Canada and Iran. Dr.Bigdeli has supervised more than 30 post-graduate theses in medical education, given more than 60 presentations at universities and conferences, published more than 50 articles and co-authored 7 books. She is among editorial members of some medical education journals.
She is enthusiastic to teaching and learning issues and her teaching and research interests range widely on topics related to teaching and learning in higher education, medical education, curriculum, distance learning, gamification for learning, and philosophy of education.

Ales Bourek
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Aleš Bourek, MD, PhD. is a gynecologist and the head of the Center for Healthcare Quality, Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine, where he also lectures health informatics. He also heads a private assisted reproduction facility in Brno, Czech Republic. His research interests includes Health informatics, assisted reproduction, healthcare quality. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Ales Bourek is the member of many international affiliations. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Health informatics, assisted reproduction, healthcare quality. (CV)

Victoria Daskalou
University of Patras, Greece
Dr. Victoria Daskalou is a computer and informatics scientist, holding a bachelor’s degree (1992) and a Ph.D. degree (1998) in Informatics from the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece. Dr. Daskalou joined the Department of Economics of University of Patras (UPatras) in 2014 as a specialized teaching staff in Internet information systems. Dr. Daskalou has a twenty years work experience in the field of information and communication technologies and was the technical coordinator and a senior researcher in several ICT projects related to the digital transformation of Greek Universities. More precisely, for the period 2008-2014 she has worked as the designer and the technical coordinator for the implementation of large-scale academic management information systems at the Directorate of Information and Communication Systems in UPatras. From 2001 to 2008 she was the head of the R&D team and the responsible of web and e-learning services at the Network Operations Center of UPATRAS. For the period from 1995 up to 2001 she was a senior researcher at the Computer and Communications Systems Laboratory of the Department of Informatics and at the Network Operations Center of AUEB. Dr. Daskalou participated in more than 20 R&D European and national projects and has published 14 papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

Shafik Dharamsi
University of Texas, USA

My work is inspired by the words of the late Oscar Handlin: "a troubled universe can no longer afford the luxury of pursuits confined to an ivory tower … scholarship has to prove its worth not on its own terms, but by service to the nation and the world." The question of how to better prepare the next generation of researchers, educators, and health and human service professionals to be responsive to the wide-ranging inequities in society, and to take an equally broad and multi-dimensional approach to addressing these inequities is one of the most pressing and challenging issues facing higher education today. I have observed that the traditional structure of university departments and colleges is not conducive to high impact, problem oriented, and transformative work. I have dedicated my career to the development of an ethically and civically inspired higher education agenda that fosters interdisciplinarity, community engagement, applied and translational research, transformative approaches to teaching and learning, and an inclusive and pluralistic environment.

Irina Dragan
TUFTS University, USA
(Discussion Panel Member)
Dr. Irina Dragan is Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM), in the Department of Periodontology. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Her administrative responsibilities at TUSDM include serving as Director of Faculty Education and Instructional Development and Program Director for the Dental Educational Learning and Teaching Academy Fellowship. She is the Co-Course Director for Management of Complex Cases. This initiative was designed to strengthen and facilitate an interdisciplinary and interprofessional path forward for our profession that benefit clinicians (students, residents, private practitioners) and most importantly patients. Her efforts have been recognized in 2015 with ADEA Emerging Academic Leaders Program, 2016 AAP Foundation Fellowship to attend Institute for Teaching and Learning Program and with the 2016 ADEA Chair of the Board of Directors (Presidential) Citation. In 2016, she was recognized as the Best Romanian Student in North America. She was the only dentist selected internationally by Harvard University for the 2018 Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions. Most recently she was selected as the recipient for the 2018 AAP Foundation Bud and Linda Tarrson Fellowship Award offered to periodontists pursuing academic careers in USA.

Amer Saleem Elameer
University of Information Technology and Communications, Iraq
Consultant Engineer, from the University of Information technology and Communications (UOITC), College of Bio Medical Informatics in Baghdad. A long Journey with e-learning which starts from 1987. The Coordinater of the e-learning Adoption Ministerial Team in Iraq, and the pearson in the charge of the the Iraqi government program of e-learning in Iraqi Universities. He obtained his PhD degree in Internet Portals and specialized in e-learning portals from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia, and introduced the ELAMEER-IDRUS Orbital IT e-learning framework as a major outcome from his postgraduate research; the framework now has taken the shape of an e-education and MOOCs framework for Iraqi education and higher education. Also he is the designer of the Numerical Iraqi Social Safety network (ISSN). The founder of the first Iraqi MOOC website (MOOC-IIPS) in 2017 and the designer of the first Iraqi e-learning framework for the Blended learning(BL) and lifelong learning platform for the Ministry of higher education (MOOCRDD). The designer and the programmer of the first Iraqi complete learning management system with educational resources (OERRD). He is also a member in the Supreme Council of e-learning in Iraq since 2015, and has more than 27 years of public service in Iraqi Higher Education institutions and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Iraq.

Detlev Ganten
World Health Summit, Germany
Professor Detlev Ganten, MD, PhD. is Founding President of the World Health Summit and Chairman of the Board of the Charité Foundation. He was born in Lüneburg in 1941 and studied medicine at the universities of Würzburg, Montpellier and Tübingen, as well as spending time at the French Hospital Marrakech in Morocco on a Surgical Internship. After receiving his MD, he spent several years as a research scientist at the Clinical Research Institute in Montreal and earned his Ph.D. at McGill University.
In 1975 Detlev Ganten was appointed Professor at the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Heidelberg. In 1991, he moved to Berlin where he became the Founding Director and President of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) BerlinBuch and in 1993, he became Director of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the Benjamin Franklin Medical Center of the Free University of Berlin. He held these roles until 2004, when he became the Chief Executive Officer at the “Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin”, the joint medical faculty of the Free University and Humboldt University of Berlin, until 2008. In 2009, he founded the World Health Summit, an institution which organizes an annual international conference in Berlin and regional meetings around the world, promoting dialogue between scientists, physicians, industry, civil society and policy makers.

Hélène Girouard
Université de Montréal, Canada
PhD, Cardiovascular physiology, Université de Montréal, 2002; Posdoctorate, Neurobiology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 2003-2006; Postdoctorate, Pharmacology, University of Vermont, 2006-2008; Assistant professor at Universite de Montreal and director of the laboratory on cerebrovascular pharmacology at the department of pharmacology and at the research center of the institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal since 2008.
Research Program
- Mechanisms underlying structural and fonctional modifications of glia in hypertension and aging models;
- Neuro-glio-vascular communication and its dysfunction in hypertension and aging models;
- Mechanisms underlying neurovascular coupling and their significance in fonctional neuroimaging;
- Evolution of fonctional neuroimaging signals in fonction of changes of the integrity of the neurovascular unit compartments in hypertension and aging.

Alison Greig
University of British Columbia, Canada
Alison is the Associate Head of the MPT Program at UBC who has been recognized for her teaching contributions and received the Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Education (2014) and Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) Award for Excellence in Education (2012).
Alison has major teaching and course coordination roles in the following Master of Physical Therapy courses:
- PHTH 514 – Clinical Practice I: This combined lecture and lab course provides the introduction to foundational physical therapy procedures and techniques and enables students to apply knowledge and skills through the use of selected case examples. Students are also introduced to basic surface anatomy and sports physical therapy in a sports physical therapy module and a surface anatomy module.
- PHTH 546 – Clinical Decision-Making III: This course explores the role of physical therapists as educator with clients, colleagues, and other health professionals is explored and examined with consideration to theories of learning related to adults and children.

Mohammad Reza Hadian
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Discussion Panel Member)

Dr. Mohammad Reza Hadian, (PhD, PT) Professor and the Dean of School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran. He has earned his PhD from University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom, 1997. He is currently a member of board of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Ministry of Health. He has served as Vice President for Research Affairs at International Campus of TUMS from 2011 to 2017. He has also been a member of Board of Federation of Sport Medicine from 2006 to 2015.
In addition, Professor Hadian has published extensively in the fields of Electroneurophysiology and Neurorehabilitation. He has published more than 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals with more than 1000 citations and 5 books.

Alireza Hemmati
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Discussion Panel Member)

Dr. Ali Reza Hemmati has a PhD in Future Study. He is a Faculty Member of the Center for Academic and Health Policy (CAHP) in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
He has written more than 30 papers and has performed more than 20 projects in the field of Policy and Planning, Performance Management, Data Analysis and Data Mining, Modeling, Futures Studies and Foresight.
He is:
- Executive Manager of Center for Academic and Health Policy (CAHP)
- Manager of Monitoring Policies and Operational Program in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)
- Member of the Iranian Planning Experts Association
- Member of the Iran Foresight Association
- Member of Iranian Statistics Society
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Future Study Group in National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP)
His research interests mainly focus on Higher Education Policy and Planning, Data Analysis and Data Mining and Future Study and Foresight in Higher Education.

Axel Hoffmann
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland

Axel Hoffmann obtained a PhD in Psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany. He is Deputy Head of Department, Education and Training, at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland, and heads the Unit “Teaching Technologies and Didactics. In this function he is responsible for several postgraduate programmes in International Health, including a MBA in International Health Management and activities of the institute in continuing education for several professions. He is involved in a capacity-building project on biosafety and biosecurity, funded by the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, respresenting the Swiss TPH in an international consortium and teaching international fellows. He teaches – besides other topics – project management topics including monitoring and evaluation, project planning using tools like logical framework approach, results based management, capacity works, etc. Being involved in the network’s activities since 1998, Axel Hoffmann was for more than 18 years a member of the Executive Committee of tropEd, the Network for Education in International Health. The promotion of the common Masters study and the accreditation and quality control of the offered modules and courses are one of the priorities of the network, as well as the cooperation with other networks and international organizations in this field. Since 2020 he is President of the Academic Steering Board of the inter-university MPH-programme in Switzerland.

Hugo Horta
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
(Discussion Panel Member)

Hugo Horta is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong since September 2014. He was the Deputy-director and researcher at the Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy IN+/IST from 2012 to 2014. He returned to academia after a spell as Adviser of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (2010-2011). Before, he held a postdoctoral position in Japan, doing research on academic inbreeding under a comparative perspective. He was also the Portuguese National delegate to the European Research Area (ERA) Steering Committee on Human Resources and Mobility, working in several ERA workgroups. He is currently Coordinating-editor of Higher Education, a leading journal of higher education studies, and sits in the editorial boards of Higher Education Policy; Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management; Asia Pacific Education Review; Journal of Higher Education and Science; and the International Journal of Institutional Research and Management (IJIRM). He participates also in the Outreach Advisory Board of The Journal of the Learning Sciences. He recently co-edited a book on Trends and Challenges in Science and Higher Education: Building Capacity in Latin America with Manuel Heitor and Jamil Salmi, and a further book on Higher Education in Asia with Jisun Jung and Akiyoshi Yonezawa. He is currently developing as Principal Investigator funded projects focusing on 1) the career trajectories of doctorates from a longitudinal perspective, and the networks that they formed along the career; 2) the research agenda setting of academics.

Albrecht Jahn
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany

Albrecht Jahn is a medical doctor with a specialization in obstetrics and gynecology, and community health. He heads the research group on “Global Health Policies and Systems” since 2010 with a focus on the post-2015 agenda, universal health coverage, access to medicines, reproductive health, and migrant health.
After clinical work in Germany, Kenya and Tanzania he specialized in obstetrics and gynecology in 1991. After additional training in Community Health and Health Management he joined the Institute of Tropical Hygiene at the University of Heidelberg as senior lecturer and researcher on maternal and perinatal health care systems in 1992 and later headed the Institute’s consultancy unit. He then worked with the European Union’s Directorate General for Research as Scientific Officer from 2004 to 2010, covering international public health and health system as well as reproductive health including maternal health. He was member of WHO’s Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination, and is currently appointed as Marsilius Fellow at Heidelberg University with an interdisciplinary project on the right to health and universal health coverage.

James Otieno Jowi
African Network for Internationalization of Education, Tanzania

He is the Principal Education Officer at the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat (composed of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan and Tanzania) where he coordinates the development and implementation of regional education programs ( He is the founding Executive Director of the African Network for Internationalization of Education –ANIE- ( a pan-African organization focused on internationalization of higher education in Africa. He is currently a member of the ANIE Board and chairs the research committee. He holds a PhD from the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente, Netherlands; a Masters in Comparative & International Education, University of Oslo, Norway; a Master of Linguistics & Bachelor of Education from Moi University, Kenya. Before joining the EAC, he was a Senior Lecturer at the School of Education, Moi University, Kenya where he taught Comparative and International Education. His research and publications focus on internationalization, governance and leadership in higher education with a focus on Africa.

Amir Hooman Kazemi Motlagh
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
MD, Clinical PhD and Post Doc. of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
- Vice President of World Fedration of Acupuncture
- Vice Secretary General of Noninvasive Acupuncture Association of China
- Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
- Faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
- Visiting Professor of Santiago de Compostela University of Spain for Master Program of Acupuncture
- Visiting Professor of Ontario College of Canada
- Executive Member of Speciality Committee of Brain Disease and Neurology of World Fedration of Chinese Medicine
- Executive Member of Speciality Committee of Cosmotology of World Fedration of Chinese Medicine
- Member of Speciality Committee of Examination and Evaluation of World Fedration of Chinese Medicine

Meri Koivusalo
University of Tampere, Finland

MD, PhD, MSc
Professor, Global Health and Development
Meri is expertised in global and transnational health and social policy, trade and global governance for health. She is "globally" interested in global health issues, but she has a particular interest in the relationship between economic globalization, trade and health, health systems and politics and practice of global health policy-making. Meri has a background in public health medicine with a PhD in environmental health and MSc from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has co-authored and edited academic and textbooks in the area of global health as well as worked with Finnish government, European Commission, WHO-Geneva, UNRISD and a number of international nongovernmental organizations. Meri is currently member of the WHO expert panel on science and technology.

Ramin Kordi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Discussion Panel Member)
Professor Ramin Kordi, MD, PhD. is professor of spine and sports medicine and Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran (2017- Present). He is an attending physician at the teaching and training unit of Spine and Sports Medicine Clinic of Imam University Hospital, Tehran, Iran ( 2010-Present). He conducted his MD degree at Tehran University of Medical Sciences and his MSc, PhD at Nottingham University, UK and his Fellowship program at Stanford University USA. He is founding head of the Sports Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran (2007- Present). He has edited fourteen books in English and Persian and published about one hundred papers in the field of spine and sports medicine.
Professor Kordi is one the main founder of a four-year residency program in sports and exercise medicine in Iran which has been offered by four Universities in Iran since 2002. He is the President of Iranian Sports and Exercise Medicine Society (2017- Present).

Michael Josef Kowolik
Indiana University School of Dentistry, USA
Michael J. Kowolik, B.D.S, F.D.S., Ph.D., is currently Director and Professor of Graduate Research in the Department of Periodontics and Allied Dental Programs at the Indiana University School of Dentistry in Indianapolis, IN. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Oral Biology at IUSD, Department of Oro-Facial Genetics at IUSD, Department of Public Health at the Indiana University School of Medicine, the IU Center for Bioethics, and the Department of Dental Diagnostic Science at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX. In addition, he is a Visiting Professor and Distinguished Faculty of the Graduate School of Periodontology at the Universidad Autonoma de Nueva Leon in Monterrey, Mexico.

Anja Krumeich
University of Maastricht, Netherland

Dr. Krumeich is director of the Global Health program at Maastricht University. She is Full Professor of Translational Ethnographies in Global Health and Education, a chair position embedded within the Department of Health, Ethics and Society. She is also Chair for the Platform Internationalization Education of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. In addition, she is Adjunct Professor the Dept. for Public Health at Manipal University, and Adjunct Professor at Thailand's Thammasat University. In 2016, she received Maastricht's Wijnand Wijnen Prize for her work in global health education and contribution to building international partnerships.

Enrique López veloso
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Head of the Foreign Relations Service of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Azim Mirzazadeh
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Speaker & Moderator)
Dr Azim Mirzazadeh is the associate professor of Department of Medicine and Department of Medical Education (as a second affiliation) in the School of Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. He received his Diploma in Health Professions Education from University of Dundee in 2016.
He is actively involved in different aspects of medical education including a major revision of Undergraduate medical program in TUMS in the last 15 years. He is also conducted several research and developmental projects at both university and national levels which led to publications in international and local journals.
He was the chair of TUMS department of medical education (from 2013 to 2018) which is responsible for training of PhD and MSc students, the Director of TUMS Education Development Center (from 2012 to 2017) and the Director of Education Development Center of the Ministry of Health & Medical Education (from 2017 to February 2020) which is responsible for promoting the development of medical education at the ministry and university level in Iran. He conducted hundreds of workshops in different fields of medical education (including curriculum development, program evaluation, communication skills and clinical education) for faculty members and students.

Rita Mojtahedzadeh
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

MD, MPH, Ph.D.
Dr. Rita Mojtahedzadeh has PhD in e-learning Planning. She is one of the founders of Virtual School of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and currently a faculty member of e-Learning in Medical Education Department in this school; meanwhile she is second-affiliated faculty member of Medical Education Department in Virtual University of Medical Sciences. She has been one of principal investigators of several research projects in the field of e-learning and medical education in Iran, some are as follows: academic ranking of medical schools, metrics systems of faculties members’ activities, comprehensive educational award system, and comprehensive system of e-continuous medical education (e-CME), national institutional accreditation system of e-learning centers and so on. Now she, as the core responsible body, is working on development and establishment of Iran's national Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platform and national Learning Management System (LMS). She has published several articles and books in related fields.

Ka Ho Mok
Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Professor Joshua Mok Ka-ho is the Vice-President and concurrently Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Comparative Policy of Lingnan University. Before joining Lingnan, he was the Vice President (Research and Development) and Chair Professor of Comparative Policy of The Hong Kong Institute of Education, and the Associate Dean and Professor of Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong. Prior to this, Professor Mok was appointed as the Founding Chair Professor in East Asian Studies and established the Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Professor Mok is no narrow disciplinary specialist but has worked creatively across the academic worlds of sociology, political science, and public and social policy while building up his wide knowledge of China and the region. Professor Mok completed his undergraduate studies in Public and Social Administration at the City University of Hong Kong in 1989, and received an MPhil and PhD in Sociology from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1991 and The London School of Economics and Political Science in 1994 respectively.

Susan Murphy
University of British Columbia, Canada
Sue Murphy is a Physical Therapist and Head in the Department of Physical Therapy at UBC. Sue worked clinically in critical care for many years and more recently has been involved in teaching and educational scholarship, focusing on clinical education and professionalism. Sue has presented at national and international conferences and enjoys the challenge of educational innovation. Sue’s role at CHES is designed to provide stronger linkages between non-MD Health Professions and the Centre, as well as strengthening the support available for a broad range of health professions.
When not at UBC, Sue can usually be found either on horseback, in her garden or spending time with friends.

Heikki Murtomaa
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr. Murtomaa is Professor and Head of the Department of Oral Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland. He has served in different academic positions and has worked as a WHO consultant on several occasions. Dr. Murtomaa served as Professor in Oral Public Health in 1986 - 2014 and worked as Dean of the Institute of Dentistry in 1993 – 1998. Dr. Murtomaa has presented in several continuing education and postgraduate courses and lectured on various dental and public health related subjects, both nationally and internationally.
He is the Past President of the Association for Dental Education in Europe and a Board Member of International Federation of Dental Educators and Associations.

Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar is an academic member of Endodontics department in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) where he received his DDs (1989). For his M.Sc, he worked on Electronic Root Canal Length Measurement Devices (1993,TUMS). In 1994, he became a Diplomate of the Iranian board of Endodontics. His PhD projects were focused on investigating Calcium Silicate cements and lead to his graduation in 2011 from Cardiff University, UK. Working on Regenerative Endodontics and Stem Cells, he is already responsible for teaching in department of Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell Sciences in TUMS.
Dr. Nekoofar also has a strong sense of leadership and management. He has been the president of Iranian Association of Endodontics since 2013 and the Group Leader of Endodontolgy Research Group in Cardiff University since 2004 up to now.

Prathip Phantumvanit
Thammasat University, Thailand
Dr. Prathip Phantumvanit is Consultant of Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand and Immediate Past-Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University. He also serves as the WHO Advisory Expert Panel on Oral Health since 1988 and past Vice-chair of Public Health Committee of the World Dental Federation (FDI). He was former dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University and founder-dean at Thammasat University Dental School in Thailand.
Besides, he was Past-President of the International Association for Dental Research – Southeast Asia Division (IADR/SEA), the Southeast Asian Association for Dental Education (SEAADE) and Asian Academy for Preventive Dentistry (AAPD). Dr. Prathip Phantumvanit was the recipient of the Merit Award in International Community Dentistry from the American Association for Public Health Dentistry in 2006 and Distinguished Service Award from the International Association for Dental Research in 2012.

Riyadh Qashi
Trainer Vocational Skills at INT@E UG, Germany
(Discussion Panel Member)

Karim Qayumi
University of British Columbia, Canada
Karim Qayumi, MD, Ph.D., FRCSC is a Professor of Surgery at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Founder of the UBC Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education and Innovation (CESEI). He is also a Chair of the Technology Enabled Learning for Vancouver Coastal Health, and the Regional Director of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Karim has extensive international teaching experience obtaining 11 awards in the field of medicine, including the most prestigious award from The University of British Columbia in 1999 – The Killam Teaching Prize. He is the author of 109 peer-reviewed publications and has been invited to lecture and present at over 200 conferences and meetings. One of his books “Basic Surgical Techniques” is translated into many languages including Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish and others.

Maria Susy Rogers
University of South Wales, UK
(Discussion Panel Member)
Dr Rogers is an international Education Researcher and Innovator in several fields of Expertise, in Science, Technology, Humanities and The Arts... Her experience extends from Education Practice in Institutes for Higher Education, Further Education, and Primary/Secondary Schools.
In her early career, as a qualified teacher of Mathematics and Science, before marriage, Dr Rogers recognised the importance of continuing professional development, as paramount after a very successful period as a Director of her two pre-school playgroups, employing and training staff also with a minibus service, while her young family were growing up.
Introducing the first micro-computer in a Secondary School in South Wales promoting “Computers Across The Curriculum” (1976), Dr Rogers, pioneered her innovatively designed Interactive- Video, Courseware “Learning to Learn” through a collaborative Industrial/College Further Education Project (1980s). Dr Rogers became an e-moderator (2001), gaining her doctorate for “Online Pedagogy: The Pedagogical Variation Model for Learning and Teaching in Asynchronous Networks”

Emir Ruşen
University of Altinbas, Turkey
(Discussion Panel Member)


Luciano Saso
Sapienza University, Italy

Prof. Luciano Saso (Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) received his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Sapienza University in 1992. He is author of more than 250 scientific articles published in peer reviewed international journals with impact factor (SASO-L in Pubmed, H-index Google Scholar 47, Scopus 38). He coordinated several research projects in the field of pharmacology and has been referee for many national and international funding agencies and international scientific journals in the last 25 years.
Prof. Saso has extensive experience in international relations and he is currently Vice-Rector for European University Networks at Sapienza University of Rome. In the last 15 years, he participated in several projects including IMS2020, EGRACONS, IMOTION, BUCUM, UZDOC, TRAIN and has been speaker and chair at many international conferences organised by UNICA, SGroup European Universities' Network, EAIE and the European Association of Erasmus Coordinators.
In October 2015, he was elected President of UNICA (2016-2019) and in November 2019 he was re-elected for a second term (2020-2023)

Karen Sauve
University of British Columbia, Canada

Karen, BSc (PT), MSc, is Associate Head Clinical Education at Department of Physical Therapy,
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada. Karen’s teaching is focused on the pediatric content throughout the MPT Program; specifically, pediatric neurology, pathology and participation and the normal development lab (PHTH 544, PHTH 531, PHTH 564, PHTH 517). She is the pediatric stream coordinator for the MPT Program. Within her role as Associate Head, Clinical Education, Karen also teaches pre- and post-placement sessions for the MPT Students within PHTH 534, 554, 574 and the Clinical Educator Workshops to help support Clinical Educators.
The majority of Karen’s time is dedicated to facilitating the Clinical Education component of the MPT Program and teaching within the Program. Karen has worked as a Research Assistant and Treating and Assessing Physical Therapist on several Clinical Research Studies related to children with Cerebral Palsy. Her MSc work examined identifying factors associated with the development of motor acquisition in young children with Cerebral Palsy.

Azadeh Shadmehr
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Discussion Panel Member)

Azadeh Shadmehr (PhD, PT) is Professor at the Department of Physiotherapy at the School of Rehabilitation of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran. She possesses strong leadership skills and has been Vice-Dean for International affairs of the School of Rehabilitation since 2014. She is also the Head of Desk for International Cooperation between TUMS and Thailand and also TUMS and Kuwait and the representative of TUMS in Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL).
She has written more than 80 papers, published in peer-reviewed journals and 2 books. She has been invited as a speaker to give lectures in different congresses and seminars in Iran and abroad.
Her research is mainly focused on bio-mechanics and patho-mechanics of musculoskeletal tissues including kinematic and kinetic studies on low back pain, postural disorders and ankle instability. Additionally, she has conducted extensive research on the relationship between musculoskeletal dysfunctions and neurocognitive.

Alireza Shamshirsaz
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Shamshirsaz serves as an attending physician both in the Fetal Intervention Team and Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. He sees patients primarily at the Fetal Center at the Pavilion for Women. He cares for women and fetuses with a variety of medical conditions complicating pregnancy and performs various feto-maternal interventions including fetal surgeries.
Dr. Shamshirsaz is a Fetal Surgeon and a dual board certified obstetrician and gynecologist and maternal fetal medicine specialist. He did his medical school in Tehran University of medical sciences in Iran and spent 4 years on research as a post-doc fellow in two of the best research institutes of the country. In 2003 he came to the United States as a graduate post-doc research fellow working at University of Colorado Health Science Center. He did his internship and residency at University of Buffalo and University of Iowa Health Care. He, then, attended the University of Connecticut where he gets his maternal fetal medicine fellowship. In 2012, his enthusiasm to patient care, research and innovation brought him to Baylor College of Medicine for two more years of training in fetal intervention and perinatal surgery; where he works as an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, maternal fetal medicine specialist and fetal surgeon now.

Afsaneh Sharif
University of British Columbia, Canada
(Discussion Panel Member)

Afsaneh is a skilled Project Manager, Instructional Designer and e-Learning Specialist. She is interested in implementing research findings into practice and works closely with faculty members to ensure that course/program design and development meet best practice standards. Afsaneh develops relationships with faculty members and support specialists across Faculties, departments and other academic/service units and supports them with the development and evaluation of teaching and learning enhancement projects. Afsaneh has been listed as one of the top 90 Canadian researchers in online, blended and distance education and is the vice-president of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education. Particular interests for her include quality enhancement, accessibility, online learning, community of practice, open education, inclusion and diversity, and universal design for learning.

Amir Ali Sohrabpour
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Vice Chancellor for Education, Tehran University of Medical Studies (TUMS), Iran.
Amir Ali Sohrabpour is a gastroenterologist at TUMS. He has served in various roles of educational leadership including director of Internal Medicine residency program, head of mentoring office at faculty of Medicine, head of TUMS faculty development office, and deputy of education at Shariati Hospital (600-bed university hospital in Tehran). He is now vice-chancellor for education at TUMS. He is an instructor of courses in leadership and medical professionalism. (CV)

Rizma Adlia Syakurah
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
(Discussion Panel Member)

Rizma Adlia is currently a lecturer in Sriwijaya University, teaching mainly about healthcare administration, health promotion, and health communication to medical and public health students. Outside of current courses, she’s passionate about promoting awareness towards
medical careers and interprofessional educations.

Amirhossein Takian
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
(Speaker & Moderator)
Amirhossein Takian (MD MPH PhD FHEA) is Chair and Associate Professor at the Department of Global Health & Public Policy, and Vice-Dean for International Affairs at the School of Public Health (SPH)- Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran. He is also Advisor for Medical Education Reform and Member of the National Examination Board for Health Policy, Economics and Management, at the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME)- Iran. Amir is Chief Research Officer at the Health Equity Research Centre (HERC)- TUMS and TUMS’ focal point at M8 Alliance, serving as a member of World Health Summit (WHS) Executive Committee since 2017, and Secretary of 7th World Health Summit Regional Meeting, 2019. From 2013-2018, he was Deputy for International Organizations at the MOHME-Iran, overseeing the relationship between Iran and global organizations, i.e. WHO, UNDP, UN, UNICEF, UNFPA, etc. Dr. Takian is a member of National Committee for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, MOHME, Iran; member of National Academy of Medical Sciences, Iran; member of Steering Committee for National Health Assembly- Iran; member of advisory committee on health information technology (HIT), AcademyHealth- USA; member of editorial board at the International Journal of Health Policy and Management; and Associate Editor at the International Journal of Public Health.

Minke Tang
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China

Professor of Pharmacology at School of Pharmacy and Director for International Cooperation, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
- Editor board, Nerve Regeneration Research
- Editor board, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine
- Peer reviewer, National Nature Science Foundation of China
- Peer reviewer, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
- Peer reviewer, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
- Peer reviewer, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture;
- Member, the Society for Neuroscience
- Member, the National Neurotrauma Society
- Member, the America Society for Cell Biology
- Member, the Chinese Pharmacological Society

Ajay Telang
Penang International Dental College, Malaysia
(Discussion Panel Member)

Oral Pathologist from India with a Masters in Health Professionals Education from Maastricht University.
In Academia since 14years with a special interest in Curriculum design & development and Virtual learning environment.
Currently, Dean of Penang International Dental College, Malaysia.

Li Tiejun
Peking University, China
(Discussion Panel Member)

Professor Li Tie-Jun is the associate dean for teaching, Peking University School of Stomatology, he is a professor and head of the department of oral pathology. He graduated from Wuhan University School of Stomatology (China) in 1984, and later obtained his PhD in the University of Birmingham Dental School (UK) in 1995. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Kagoshima University Dental School (Japan) during 1995-1998. He has a long-standing research interest in the growth and behavior of odontogenic lesions of the jaws. He has won a number of academic awards throughout his career and has also been the recipient of numerous research grants from various resources. Most notably, he has been awarded National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2006 by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation. To date, he has published over 100 scientific papers and has also been the editor to 6 monographs and major contributor to 7 other books.

Remco van de Pas
Maastricht University, Netherland

Dr. Remco van de Pas is a public health doctor and a global health researcher. He has a position as senior research fellow global health policy at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp and is a lecturer in Global health at the Department of Health Ethics and Society, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University.
His teaching and research focuses on global health governance, its political-economy and foreign policy with a special attention on health workforce development and migration, health system strengthening, social protection and health financing, global health security, globalization and its impact on health equity.
Remco is a board member of the Medicus Mundi International–Network Health for All!, a visiting research fellow at Clingendael, Netherlands Institute of International Relations and editorial board member of the academic journal Globalization and Health.

Ren Yi
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Ren is an experienced international executive and researcher with a keen interest in the effective management of international programs and partnerships. He has been working in higher education for more than 15 years, including positions at the University of Melbourne, University of Queensland, Victoria University and Macquarie University.
Professor Ren is an expert on internationalisation for the higher education sector. He was one of the special experts for the Australian Council for International Education. He was also commissioned to complete the Australian Postgraduate Research Student Mobilities Report by the Department of Education and Training. In 2015 and 2016, he represented Australia at the Asia Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) meeting in Indonesia and Peru on APEC Researcher Mobility and completed report on behalf of Australian Government and APEC.
Professor Ren is actively involved with the research management profession. He is the Past President of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) and is an active member of the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS).

Hasnain Zafar Baloch
International Medical University, Malaysia
Hasnain Zafar Baloch is working as e-Learning Manager at International Medical University (IMU). He has more than fifteen years’ hands-on experience with implementing e-learning in higher education. In 2013, he was ranked No.6 in the World and No.3 in Malaysia on the ‘Top e-Learning Movers & Shakers’ poll based on votes from1800+ learning professionals/educators around the world. He has a passion for new technologies, social collaboration strategies and the impact they have on learning. He has done research in several key e-learning areas, including mobile collaborative learning, Hospital Information System, Student Information System, social media, web 2.0, educational gaming, role-play simulation, virtual classrooms, learning (content) management systems, engagement tools, blended learning, Open Educational Resources, e-learning standards, instructional design and courseware development.
