Hélène Girouard




PhD, Cardiovascular physiology, Université de Montréal, 2002; Posdoctorate, Neurobiology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 2003-2006; Postdoctorate, Pharmacology, University of Vermont, 2006-2008; Assistant professor at Universite de Montreal and director of the laboratory on cerebrovascular pharmacology at the department of pharmacology and at the research center of the institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal since 2008.

Research Program

  • Mechanisms underlying structural and fonctional modifications of glia in hypertension and aging models;
  • Neuro-glio-vascular communication and its dysfunction in hypertension and aging models;
  • Mechanisms underlying neurovascular coupling and their significance in fonctional neuroimaging;
  • Evolution of fonctional neuroimaging signals in fonction of changes of the integrity of the neurovascular unit compartments in hypertension and aging.



Lecture Title: COVID-19 Impact on Basic Biomedical Science Education: Dealing the Challenges

Keywords: Practical Learning, Motivation, Effective Learning Environment, Remote Exams




Fisrt Discussion Panel

Second Discussion Panel


tags: COVID 19 IHESCOVID19Webinar COVID-19 Coronavirus Tehran University of Medical Sciences TUMS IHE TUMS IHES IHE IHE Symposium Webinar Internationalization of Higher Education Symposium webinar Hélène Girouard Practical Learning Motivation Effective Learning Environment Remote Exams

Last Update At : 29 May 2020