Axel Hoffmann




Axel Hoffmann obtained a PhD in Psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany. He is Deputy Head of Department, Education and Training, at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland, and heads the Unit “Teaching Technologies and Didactics. In this function he is responsible for several postgraduate programmes in International Health, including a MBA in International Health Management and activities of the institute in continuing education for several professions. He is involved in a capacity-building project on biosafety and biosecurity, funded by the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, respresenting the Swiss TPH in an international consortium and teaching international fellows.

He teaches – besides other topics – project management topics including monitoring and evaluation, project planning using tools like logical framework approach, results based management, capacity works, etc. Being involved in the network’s activities since 1998, Axel Hoffmann was for more than 18 years a member of the Executive Committee of tropEd, the Network for Education in International Health. The promotion of the common Masters study and the accreditation and quality control of the offered modules and courses are one of the priorities of the network, as well as the cooperation with other networks and international organizations in this field. Since 2020 he is President of the Academic Steering Board of the inter-university MPH-programme in Switzerland. (CV)


Lecture Title: We Turn The Tables: How The COVID-19 Pandemic Might Help to Improve our Teaching After The Crisis

Keywords: Innovative Teaching, Teaching Quality, Blended learning



Fisrt Discussion Panel

Second Discussion Panel


tags: COVID 19 IHESCOVID19Webinar COVID-19 IHE Symposium Webinar IHE TUMS IHE TUMS IHES Tehran University of Medical Sciences Internationalization of Higher Education Coronavirus Symposium webinar Axel Hoffmann Innovative Teaching Teaching Quality Blended learning

Last Update At : 06 June 2020