Rita Mojtahedzadeh




MD, MPH, Ph.D.

Dr. Rita Mojtahedzadeh has PhD in e-learning Planning. She is one of the founders of Virtual School of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and currently a faculty member of e-Learning in Medical Education Department in this school; meanwhile she is second-affiliated faculty member of Medical Education Department in Virtual University of Medical Sciences. She has been one of principal investigators of several research projects in the field of e-learning and medical education in Iran, some are as follows: academic ranking of medical schools, metrics systems of faculties members’ activities, comprehensive educational award system, and comprehensive system of e-continuous medical education (e-CME), national institutional accreditation system of e-learning centers and so on.

Now she, as the core responsible body, is working on development and establishment of Iran's national Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platform and national Learning Management System (LMS). She has published several articles and books in related fields. (CV)



Lecture Title: The Experience of e-learning Implementation in Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences Before and During COVID-19 Crisis




Welcome Note

Question & Answer Session

Discusson Panel



tags: COVID 19 IHESCOVID19Webinar COVID-19 Coronavirus Tehran University of Medical Sciences Internationalization of Higher Education Symposium webinar TUMS IHE TUMS IHES IHE IHE Symposium Webinar Rita Mojtahedzadeh

Last Update At : 30 May 2020