Hasnain Zafar Baloch




Hasnain Zafar Baloch is working as e-Learning Manager at International Medical University (IMU). He has more than fifteen years’ hands-on experience with implementing e-learning in higher education. In 2013, he was ranked No.6 in the World and No.3 in Malaysia on the ‘Top e-Learning Movers & Shakers’ poll based on votes from1800+ learning professionals/educators around the world. He has a passion for new technologies, social collaboration strategies and the impact they have on learning.

He has done research in several key e-learning areas, including mobile collaborative learning, Hospital Information System, Student Information System, social media, web 2.0, educational gaming, role-play simulation, virtual classrooms, learning (content) management systems, engagement tools, blended learning, Open Educational Resources,  e-learning standards, instructional design and courseware development.


Lecture Title: How to Find Correct Blend for Implementing Online Learning During COVID-19?



Question & Answer Session

Discusson Panel


tags: COVID 19 Coronavirus IHESCOVID19Webinar COVID-19 TUMS IHES TUMS IHE IHE Symposium Webinar IHE Internationalization of Higher Education Tehran University of Medical Sciences Symposium webinar Hasnain Zafar Baloch

Last Update At : 30 May 2020