Call for Application for Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility to the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Date : 23 May 2021

Call for Application for Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility to the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Erasmus+  ICM offers opportunities for students to study and staff to teach or train via exchanges with partner higher education institutions  beyond Europe. This is known as International Credit Mobility (ICM) and this is an activity under Key Action 1 (KA107), Erasmus+ program.

Under this year’s mobility project, One TUMS Academic Staff is able to teach at University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain for 7 days. All TUMS academic staff at schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, advanced technologies in medicine, and nutritional sciences and dietetics are welcome to apply for this position by May 23, 2021. Please follow the link below for detailed information on this opportunity:  

The grantee will receive a scholarship of 160€/day as a maintenance support to their costs. A travel cost contribution will be paid to them as well. The deadline for the application would be May 23rd, 2021.

In order to apply for this position, please refer to the Office of International Relations of the related School.