Ph.D. (New Route)
Code | 950 |
دانشکده/پردیس | School of Nursing and Midwifery |
گروه/دانشکده | Department of Nursing and Midwifery |
Degree | New-Route Ph.D. |
Apply | Apply |
Program Description:
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program is one of the important educational programs for training the workforce in different countries, the students of which, aside from teaching and conducting research, serve the society by identifying the needs of the society and solving its problems and offering suitable counsel to stakeholders. In line with internationalization of higher education, it is imperative that programs and guidelines be prepared based on international standards. Currently, there exist academic guidelines on course-based and research-based Ph.D. programs. These guidelines, with the aim of responding to the needs of international students, have been prepared based on current capacities and conditions, and will be applied to the students admitted based on approved projects and abilities of the faculty members.
The purpose of the Ph.D. program will be to train international students who, while having dominance in a specific field and using relevant sciences, can take a step forward regarding the advancement and expansion of the borders of human knowledge by gaining different abilities and using advanced research methods and novel research fundamentals.
To download the sample of New Route Ph.D. degree, click here.
Admission Requirements
General Requirement: To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.
Specific Requirements:
- Having acquired a Master’s Degree or a Professional Doctorate Degree (M.D., M.B.B.S., D.D.S., Pharm.D. and D.V.M.) or higher relevant to the requested field of study based on the decision of the advisor and the approval of the academic unit and the International Students Admission Committee.
- Determining the overall details of the student’s research projects approved by the advisor.
Admission Deadline
Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round. Generally, after six to eight weeks, applicants receive a decision. Regular admission deadlines are around the 6 months and accepted students can be enrolled in the program in February, April and September.
Education Fees and Yearly Expenses
For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.
The Non-Course Ph.D. program lasts at least 2-3 years.
This program is to be conducted by high cited professors and academic staffs of TUMS and divided into two parts: short course part and research and dissertation part.
Each student will be assigned to a selected advisor in the major areas of study who will assist his/ her to perform all teaching courses and/ or research program. All part of this program managed by advisor. For this purpose, each applicant shoukd select one professor as advisor before complete application form.
- The advisor will be determined based on the request of the student, the written acceptance of the advisor and the approval of the relevant academic unit before the arrival of the student.
- If need be, based on the recommendation of the advisor, the responsibility of advising the student’s dissertation can be shared between two advisors. The overall and final responsibility of the dissertation, however, will be with the first advisor.
Remark: The second advisor or readers can be chosen from outside the university or the country.
- The first advisor must be from the faculty members of the university, with the academic level of Associate Professor or higher with at least 4 published articles in authentic scientific-research journals indexed in ISI or PubMed as the first or corresponding author within the last 2 years with an h-index of at least 10 with the Scopus index.
- The second advisor must at least be an Assistant Professor with an h-index of at least 5 with the Scopus index.
- In special cases, as per the request of the first advisor and the approval of the academic unit/school/research center and the approval of the university’s educational council, the student may have at most 3 advisors.
- Each Ph.D. student can have at most 3 readers based on the decision of the first advisor.
- If the first advisor is from the clinical faculty members, the second advisor should be a Ph.D. holder of a relevant field.
Length of the Course:
- Based on student needs and research priorities, the student will be responsible to pass at least 6 and at most 10 course credits as determined by the advisor before conducting his or her project.
- Minimum passing score for courses in paragraph 4.2 will be 14 out of 20 and the minimum acceptable average will be 15. In case of minimum average less than 15, the student will be required, based on the decision of the advisor, to pass some of the course in another semester to compensate the total average.
- Having passed the courses as determined by the advisor, the student will be required to take an exam of the Stage Transition Committee at the end of the first academic year. Passing this exam will give students the permission to continue their studies.
- Each student can take the above-mentioned exam at most twice. Failure to pass the exam will result in the acquisition of the M.Phil Degree, and the student will not be able to continue the Ph.D. program.
- The Stage Transition Committee will be comprised of representatives from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, the Office of Vice Chancellor for Education, and the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Research (each sending one representative), as well as a referee from outside the university in a relevant field of study as approved by the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs.
Program Curriculum
To download the complete New Route Ph.D. Curriculum, click here.
In degree feild of study and academic unites will be mentioned.
Feild of Study: There are 9 feild of studies, including:
- Basic Medical Sciences
- Clinical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Public Health
- Dental Sciences
- Allied Medical Sciences
- Nursing Sciences
- Nutritional Sciences
- Rehabilitation Sciences
Academic unit: Academic department or research center admitting and educating the student
To download the sample of New Route Ph.D. degree, click here.
Contact Information:
In case of any inquiries, you can contact the Educational Office of International Students, Tehran University of Medical Sciences through the following:
Contact Person: Dr. Nasrin Dasht
Tel.: (+9821) 88392316
Address: Office of Vice-President for Educational Affairs, No 25, Hojatdoost St., Felestin St. Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran 1416634793, Iran
For select an advisor based on your research interest you can see Related Professors.
To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:
Tel.: (+98 21) 8890 2090-93, Ext.: 169
Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Iran
Apply Now!
In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.
Alternatively, you can visit the following pages if you require more information about the university: