Medical Parasitology
Code | 811 |
دانشکده/پردیس | School of Public Health |
گروه/دانشکده | Department of Medical Parasitology |
Degree | Ph.D. |
Apply | Apply |
Program Description:
PhD degree in Medical Parasitology is the highest level of education and is an old field dealing with parasitic animal species, mostly living in or on the human body and causing infections or diseases which are dangerous for human health and life. Some of the parasites cause zoonotic diseases.
Medical Parasitology is an old discipline focusing on parasitic diseases studied by scientists and researchers. Avicenna, about one thousand years ago, observed a number of parasites in the human body. He described some of them (such as worms) which were visible by naked eyes. Avicenna also noted signs of some parasitic diseases whose agents were not visible at that time. Parasitic diseases are important among other infectious diseases because despite many efforts to combat them, they are still causing mortality and irreparable difficulties in human societies worldwide.
Several studies were performed in various areas of parasitic diseases by using new technologies and advanced sciences such as taxonomy, immunology, biochemistry, epidemiology, biotechnology, pharmacology and genetics. They helped identify parasites, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and control of some parasitic diseases and illustrate the importance of a number of parasitic diseases including immergence and reemergence diseases. The widespread scientific progress in the field of parasitic diseases entails the need for developing educational programs and training PhD graduates in Medical Parasitology in the country. Training specialists who will contribute to health research is also of prime importance in this program.
The mission of this PhD program is to train experts and specialists in basic medical sciences. The graduates will perform activities and give services to promote scientific research and education in Medical Parasitology. Moreover, they endeavor to promote human health by removing the harms caused by parasites.
The graduates of this program will be able to use the most recent achievements, in science and related fields in Medical Parasitology, for training and research programs, health services and laboratory activities. They will be able to use their knowledge, skills and creativity in solving problems in the field and for identifying parasites, parasitic agents, and laboratory diagnosis, prevention and control of diseases caused by parasites.
The aims of the program are:
- Training specialists, researchers and teachers to teach, conduct research studies and provide services in the field of Medical Parasitology in medical universities, institutions of higher education, and research centers in the country
- Training experts who will be engaged in collecting, evaluating, producing, innovation, development and transfer of science and technology
Expected Competencies at the End of the Program
General Competencies*
Specific Competencies and skills Professional tasks of graduates
- Cooperating with executive institutes in identifying, combating and controlling parasitic diseases
Reporting results of studies and projects carried out to be used in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and control of parasitic diseases
- Evaluating operational health programs in the areas of prevention and control of parasitic diseases
Planning and developing courses of parasitology at different levels of academic settings
Monitoring the implementation and evaluation of educational programs of Medical Parasitology training courses
- Organizing and managing teaching and working with clinicians and other clinical and laboratory staff
Teaching theoretical and practical courses of Medical Parasitology in postgraduate, General Doctorate of Medical Sciences, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and associate degree of Laboratory Sciences
- Organization and management of research
Design and conduct of research projects and participation in action planning
- Cooperation with other specialists and researchers
Selection of basic and applied research projects focusing on parasitic diseases
- Establishment of practical techniques in identifying pathogenic human parasites and laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections
Admission Requirements
General Requirement: To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.
Specific Requiremetns: Holding a master's degree (MSc) in one of the fields of Medical Parasitology, Laboratory Medicine, Pathology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology, Medicine, GP (Medicine and Pharmacy), DVM, and Laboratory Sciences received in Iran or abroad.
The eligible candidate should have successfully completed an approved related Degree program and should be proficient in English or Persian.
Admission Deadline
Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.
However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31.
Education Fees and Yearly Expenses
For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.
Duration: 4 years
Courses and number of credits:
Compensatory: 12 credits
Prerequisite courses: 7.5 credits
Special Courses: 14.5 credits
Thesis: 20 credits
Total: 54 credits
Program Curriculum
For more information, please download the Program Curriculum of Medical Parasitology
Contact Information:
In case of any inquiries, you can contact the Office of International representative of the Department of Medical Parasitology , Tehran University of Medical Sciences through the following:
Contact Person: : Dr. Mehdi Mohebali
Tel.: (+98 21) 88951400
Email :;
Address: Department of Medical Parasitology, School of Public Health (SPH), Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Engheleb Square, Tehran, Iran
To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:
Tel.: (+98 21) 8890 2090-93, Ext.: 168
Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Iran
Apply Now!
In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.
Alternatively, you can visit the following pages if you require more information about the university: