Congenital Cardiac Surgery

دانشکده/پردیسSchool of Medicine
گروه/دانشکدهDepartment of Congenital Cardiac Surgery

Program Description:

Congenital heart diseases have high complexities and require interventions by experts; in addition, the nature of congenital heart diseases and their interventions and treatments are completely different from those of adult heart diseases. Hence, congenital heart diseases need careful and special considerations. Their early detection leads to earlier and better management. Therefore, by commencing the congenital cardiac surgery fellowship, more specialized treatments will be provided to children with heart diseases, who are the future of the country and need a lot of attention. In IRI, pediatric cardiac surgery is performed exclusively in a few centers by a few cardiac surgeons in a specialized and advanced way. Therefore, by commencing this fellowship training program on congenital heart diseases for adult and pediatric cardiac surgeons, it will be possible to perform these surgeries in more centers across the country.



To train specialists who are knowledgeable, competent, responsible, and sensitive to individuals and society health in the area of congenital heart diseases


Expected Competencies at the End of the Program

General Competencies*

Specific Competencies and Skills

At the end of the program learners will be competent in performing following procedures: Closed heart surgeries, such as closure of the PDA

PA banding

Mod. BT. Shunt – Repair of COA

Closure of VSDs, ASDs, and PAPVCs

Repair of PAVSD and CAVSD Repair of TAPVC

Repair of TOF and types of PSs

PS, DORV, and Rastelli procedure

Complex repair of the aortic arch (and types of LHHSs) Coarctation of the aorta 

Arterial Switch and Atrial Switch

Repair of truncus using allograft or other conduits

Repair of congenital abnormalities of the mitral valve  Repair of congenital abnormalities of the aortic valve

Repair of other valves

Congenital coronary artery anomalies

Vascular malformations, such as vascular ring

Other complex cardiac malformations (A combination of several diseases, complementary congenital cardiac re-surgeries, pacemaker, etc.)

Surgeries for patients with single ventricle


Admission Requirements

General Requirement: To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.

Specific Requiremetns:  Holding an M.D. or M.B.B.S. degree. Having and approved specialty in   Cardiac Surgery or other related subspecialities of surgery  received in Iran or abroad.

The eligible candidate should have successfully completed an approved related Degree program and should be proficient in English or Persian.

Admission Deadline

Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.

However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31.

Education Fees and Yearly Expenses

For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.

Duration: 18 months  


:Method(s) of Instruction 

  • Various intra- and inter-sectoral, hospital, interdisciplinary and inter-university conferences as well as seminars
  • Discussion in small groups, workshops, journal clubs and reading groups as well as case presentation
  • Participation in training lower ranks
  • Self-education, self-study
  • Other training methods and techniques according to the requirements and objectives


Program Curriculum

For more information, please download the Program Curriculum of Congenital Cardiac Surgery

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In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.

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