Colorectal surgery

دانشکده/پردیسSchool of Medicine
گروه/دانشکدهDepartment of Colorectal surgery

Program Description

Considering the prevalence of colorectal diseases in Iran and modern methods of treatment for disease such as cancer and benign diseases of the rectum and colon (fistula, hemorrhoid, fissure, IBD, prolapse, incontinence, pelvic floor disorders and constipation), establishing  colorectal fellowship in Iran was essential .So in 2009 unification of  different curriculums  in this field  was done. 


This is a branch of General Surgery and includes theoretical knowledge and practical skills in prevention, diagnosis and surgical /nonsurgical management and less invasive interventions in Large Intestine, rectal and anal diseases.



 1- To train efficient and effective specialists in colorectal surgery fields of Prevention, management, education and research.

2- In next 10 years we will reach international standard levels in educational, service provision and science production in this field


Expected Competencies and Procedural Skills:

1-Colonoscopy (Diagnostic, therapeutic)

2-Endoanal, Rectal Sonography

3-endoanal Manometry 

4- Laparatomy/Laparascopy Procedures 

5-Anorectal Surgery

6-Pelvic Floor Surgery



Admission Requirements

General Requirement: To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.

Specific Requiremetns:  Holding an M.D. or M.B.B.S. degree. Having and approved specialty in  Urology  received in Iran or abroad.

The eligible candidate should have successfully completed an approved related Degree program and should be proficient in English or Persian.

Admission Deadline

Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.

However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31.

Education Fees and Yearly Expenses

For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.

Duration: 18 months


Method(s) of Instruction

During this course, various methods and techniques will be used:

  • Bedside teaching in the collateral ward.
  • Observant/Assistant/Independent in Surgery 
  • Post operation Care in recovery 
  • Participation in Teaching 
  • Various intra- and intersectoral, hospital, interdisciplinary and inter-university conferences as well as seminars
  • Discussion in small groups, workshops, journal clubs and reading groups as well as Case Presentation
  • Self-Education, Self-Study
  • Other training methods and techniques according to the requirements and objectives
  • Some workshops on research methodology


Program Curriculum

For more information, please download the Program Curriculum of Colorectal surgery

Apply Now!

In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.

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