Obstetrics and Gynecology

دانشکده/پردیسSchool of Medicine
گروه/دانشکدهDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology
DegreeSpecialty (Residency)


Program Description:

 Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Training program is necessary for training physicians in the fields of fetomaternal medicine and safe childbirth, gynecologic health and diseases screening programs.

Considering all scientific, procedural and research developments in this field and regarding changes in disease pattern and new community demands due to patients’ higher knowledge, more qualified preventive and therapeutic technologies, an urgent need for upgrading the curriculum was felt. So with experts ‘evaluation of present curriculum and reviewing of selected foreign medical universities curricula, this new version was provided. Monitoring of its conduct is necessary.

  Definition :

Obstetrics and gynecology is a clinical specialty, which is focused on prevention specially screening, diagnosis, management and follow up of obstetrics/gynecologic patients, breast diseases, and other factors

affecting women’s health in this field and also it is about Fetomaternal care and intervention  During pregnancy /Normal Vaginal Delivery and related complications.


At the end of the program learners will be competent in the following skills:

  • Vaginal Childbirth (normal ,  and complicated including malpresentation, instrumental delivery)
  • Episiotomy  
  • Curettage (Molar pregnancy ,post abortion, diagnostic
  • Cesarean section 
  • High risk pregnancy management 
  • Ectopic pregnancy Medical/operative management 
  • Pregnancy /gynecologic disease sonography 
  • IUD insertion /Extraction
  • Abdominal hysterectomy
  • Vaginal hysterectomy 
  • Myomectomy 
  • Anterior /posterior colporhaphy 
  • Colposcopy/ cervical biopsy
  • Cryotherapy /Cauterization of cervix
  • Amniocentesis 
  • Cerclage
  • Diagnostic laparascopy 
  • Diagnostic/operative  hysteroscopy
  • 3rd or 4th degree laceration repair 
  • Other(Uterine/Hypogastric artery ligation/Cesarean hysterectomy/Molar hysterectomy 


The Obstetrics and Gynecology  program lasts at least 4 years. 

Admission Requirements

General Requirement: To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.

Specific Requiremetns: Degree in General Physicians (M.D) or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) by one of the Iranian or foreign universities.

The eligible candidate should have successfully completed an approved general physician program and should be proficient in English or Persian.

Admission Deadline

Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.

However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31.

Education Fees and Yearly Expenses

For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses


Table: The overall structure of the course

Site Of Training  


Year of Residency




Conference Salons,

IT center


Medical Recording



Resuscitation(Adult,Neonate) Logical drug and lab test prescription 

Research method and article writing workshop 


Before Official

Beginning Of the


1 month


Professional Clinics

Patients’ visit, follow up, Medical

Recording, performing out -patient Procedures, Responding to otherwards  patient ‘s consulting 

All 4 levels

During Residency period

In- patients Programs

Daily visits, Pre operative Preparation and Diagnostic Work ups, Post operative cares 

All 4 levels

During Residency period

Operation Room  

Participation in Performing

Operations based on the Protocols

(as Observer, contributer, or surgeon 


All 4 levels

Twice /week during residency Period

Adult and Neonatal ICU:

Acquiring adequate expertise in

Adult Intubation, NG tube insertion,

Hemodynamic Management 

Last six months of 2nd year

15 days

Forensic Medicine  

Acquiring  adequate Forensic

Medical Knowledge regarding: Abortion specially criminal ones, hymen examination and repair 

1st year 



Acquiring adequate skills in CPR,

Cut down, ABG interpretation, Pudendal Block Indications and Performance..

2nd year 



Participation In Pathologic slide reading and Female Reproductive tract Cancer Staging 

2nd year

30 days


Observation or contribution in

Cystorhaphy, Ureteral Injury Repair,

Urethral Diverticulum Repair,

Different urologic –female genitalia

Fistula Repairs, Urodynamics Study

3rd year



Acquired knowledge and competency in Infertility Work up, Gaining information in IVF, IUI, and performing some procedures

3rd year

30 days



Acquiring adequate knowledge regarding female Reproductive Tract Malignancy, Staging, Basics of Chemotherapy, surgery and Palliative Medicine.

3rd & 4th year 

60 days

Female Pelvic floor

Acquiring adequate knowledge

4th year

30 days


regarding female Pelvic Floor Physiology and  Pathology, approach to treatment, and Follow

ups, Urodynamics Study




Acknowledging basics of female Gynecologic Sonography, CT scan and MRI interpretation, Basics and

Interpretation of


1st year and during the course

15 days in 1st year

Human Genetics  

Acknowledging Genetics Basics, specially Prenatal Genetic testing

and interpretation…

2nd year

15 days

General Surgery  

Observation of:

 Different sites of body

LymphadenectomySimple and

Radical Mastectomy

Breast Lumpectomy

Partial  and Total Colectomy


Pelvic Exenteration

Excisional Biopsy


Rectovaginal Fistula Repair  Skin Graft Implantation Contribution in:

Para centhesis

Infracolic Omentectomy

CVP line 

Breast Abscess and Cyst Drainage 

Breast Fine Needle Biopsy 

Surgical Debridment

Total Parenteral Nutrition 

3rd year 

30 days

Contact Information:

In case of any inquiries, you can contact the Office of International representative of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Tehran University of Medical Sciences through the following:

Contact Person: Dr. Reihaneh Pirjani

Tel.: (+98 21) 7788 0909

Email  : pirjani@sina.tums.ac.ir


Address: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Arash Women’s Hospital, Eastern 162th St., Baghdarnia st., Resalat Highway, Tehranpars, Tehran, Iran

To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:

Tel.: (+98 21) 8890 2090-93, Ext.: 169

Email: admission@tums.ac.ir

Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Ira


Apply Now!

In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.

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