Sports Medicine

SchoolSchool of Medicine
DepartmentDepartment Of Sports Medicine
DegreeSpecialty (Residency)


Program Description:

Considering the young population of the country and sport development policy (both professional and public), the number of people involved in professional sports has drastically increased over the past decade. Based on the needs assessment and special attention of the officials of Islamic republic of Iran Physical Education Organization and National Olympics Committee to the necessity of specialized training to manage medical problems of professional athletes; the need to set up an academic Program for sports medicine in the country had been confirmed. Furthermore, one of the major challenges of the present century is to slow down or reverse the trend of immobility in communities. Medical disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and mental illnesses are all related to less active lifestyle.

It is well established that exercising is beneficial in the treatment of these disorders. Studies show that people with regular physical activity contribute to forming a healthy and vibrant community. Education in the field of sports medicine trains physicians with specific skills and enables them to prevent and treat diseases and disorders resulting from sports. It encourages and helps people to follow a more active lifestyle. Knowing about health benefits of physical activity and desirable exercise regimes for certain subgroups allows the experts in sport medicine to encourage an active lifestyle for groups that get the highest benefit from exercise.


Sports medicine is a clinical specialty that deals with prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sport

related injuries and sport-related diseases in professional and amateur athletes. It is also concerned with

promotion of the level of the athletes' performance and use of sports in prevention, treatment and

rehabilitation of diseases and health promotion.


At the end of the program learners will be competent in the following skills:

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (Basic Life Support, Advanced Life support) 
  • Primary care of soft-tissue / muscle injuries, fractures and dislocations 
  • Stitches and small outpatient surgical procedures
  • Primary management of head and neck trauma in sports
  • Local injections 
  • Bandage and splinting of fractures caused by exercise
  • Performing and interpreting spirometry 
  • Performing manual medical techniques in sports and soft-tissue injuries
  • Using tools and equipment for measuring physical fitness



Duration of program is four years.


Admission Requirements

General Requirement: To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.

Specific Requiremetns: Degree in General Physicians (M.D) or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) by one of the Iranian or foreign universities.

The eligible candidate should have successfully completed an approved general physician program and should be proficient in English or Persian.

Admission Deadline

Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.

However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31.

Education Fees and Yearly Expenses

For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.


Table: The overall structure of the course 

Years of


Time Span (month) 




Emergency shifts- Workshops and classes 

Public and athletic emergencies, anatomy, biomechanics, psychology, nutrition, physiology, basics of physical education and exercise science, environmental factors and traveling, sports and medicines, exercising in particular groups, introduction to basic principles of physical exercise, medical problems in athletes, familiarity with the structure and rules of sport, research methodology and study




Cardiology ward and exercise therapy center 

Cardiovascular evaluation of athletes, cardiac rehabilitation, exercise test, cardiovascular emergencies 



Sports Physiotherapy Clinic 

Athletic rehabilitation



Orthopedic ward 

Orthopedic and sports




Sports radiology


(24 H)



Department of endocrinology, pulmonary and rheumatology

Internal diseases



Neurology ward




Sports orthopedic clinic (4)

Sport and soft-tissue injuries



Clinic and sports therapy center-4

Sports therapy



Clinic of prevention and healthpromotion (5)

Growth and development nutrition- obesityquit smoking

1 month


Sports settings

Medical team- Number of matches (10matches)




Clinic and sports therapy center-4

Sports therapy



Sports orthopedic clinic (4)

Sport and soft-tissue injuries



Sports environments

Medical team- Number of matches (10 matches)



Areas outside the center

One-month resident program





Method(s) of Instruction

During this course, various methods and techniques will be used:

  • Participating in outpatient sports medicine clinics in a referral hospital, sports medicine research center and some sports centers. 
  • Participating in the morning report, ground round, journal club, case-based discussions
  • Participating in the other related discipline such as rehabilitation, orthopedics and cardiovascular clinics.
  • Various intra- and intersectoral, hospital, clinics, interdisciplinary and inter-university conferences as well as seminars
  • Discussion in small groups, workshops, journal clubs and reading groups as well as Case Presentation
  • Self-Education, Self-Study
  • Other training methods and techniques according to the requirements and objectives

Periods of Assessment

1. Multiple-choice written exam or written essay exam for each theoretical unit of the first


2. Multiple choice written exams, written essay, oral or practical tests at the patient's: at

least two annually from the second year.

3. Clinical skills assessment exam (within OSCE): at least once a year

4. Resident promotion exam: once a year (with the exception of the residents of the first


5. Certification test and specialized diploma at the end of the course on the basis of rules and regulations.









Contact Information:

In case of any inquiries, you can contact the Office of International representative of the Department of Sports Medicine. Tehran University of Medical Sciences through the following:

Contact Person: Dr. Maryam Abolhasani

Tel.: (+9821) 66348569

Email: dr_m


Address: Sports Medicine Research Center, Al-e-Ahmad Highway, Tehran, Iran


To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:

Tel.: (+98 21) 8890 2090-93, Ext.: 169


Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Ira

Apply Now!

In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.

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